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World Book官网

World Book is a leading publisher of nonfiction and mixed-genre children's book series, reference materials, and digital learning platforms. Education is World Book’s commitment and its editorial team is World Book’s strength. Each team member is dedicated to producing accurate and unbiased information by utilizing contemporary technological tools and following traditional practices of editorial excellence. For more than 100 years, World Book has promoted learning for the entire family through a range of products in which complex topics are concisely explained and vividly illustrated. An explicit goal is to help increase both reading fluency and comprehension in young readers. Encyclopedic content is updated continually and accessible 24/7 on a variety of devices. Innovative and readable, World Book will remain a trusted and useful resource at home, in the library, and in the classroom for years to come.

2023-02-15 - 收藏 点击查看

The Children's Place儿童用品店

The Children\\\'s Place儿童用品店是美国境内专门销售小孩服装和配饰产品的零售商,品牌自从1969年成立以来已经成为了用于4100雇员,在纳斯达克成功上市的公司。公司的商店主要分成了四个不同的专营门店,其中包括:大女孩和大男孩两个区块,专门销售四岁到十四岁的孩子的产品。婴儿男孩以及婴儿女孩两个区块,为出生六周以及四岁的婴幼儿提供各种产品。 The Children\\\'s Place儿童用品店大多数门店是设立在当地区块的商场当中,但是也会开始一些街道的以及独立商店。其旗下的产品门店一般是小型的,传统的小型门店。

2016-09-08 - 收藏 点击查看

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